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The City Union of Baltimore (CUB) has initiated a series of activities designed to engage that union in the “Reclaiming the Promise” effort, called for by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The nation-wide initiative is intended to galvanize local communities and engage them in activities intended to reclaim the promise of high-quality public services and public education. CUB is launching an information program to acquaint its members and its leadership with the goals of the Reclaiming the Promise initiative, developing a newsletter to report on its community engagement activities


Orioles vs. the Toronto Blue Jays
Friday, June 13th, 2014 at 7:05 p.m.
Price $6.00
Tickets available through CUB
2117 N Howards St., Baltimore MD 21218
Click here for the flyer.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"21437","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-right","style":"width: 150px; height: 112px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; margin: 3px; float: right;","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]AFT Executive Vice President Lorretta Johnson and members of AFT-Maryland joined other union activists and Maryland political candidates April 26, 2014, for the Maryland/District of Columbia (MD/DC) AFL-CIO “Labor Kick-off and Canvass” for endorsed candidates. MD/DC AFL-CIO President Fred Mason, Jr., and Secretary-Treasurer Donna Edwards hosted the kickoff event...


Learn how to register voters for the 2014 primary and general elections.

Wednesday, 4/30/14
3pm to 5pm
Baltimore Teachers Union HQ
5800 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215

** RSVP to Todd Reynolds by Tuesday, April 29th, by 2pm. 410-764-3030 **

Spread the word!
Click here to download an event flyer to hand out to friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

Sponsored by AFT-Maryland and our local affiliates.


AFT-Maryland staff and affiliate members journeyed to Wichita, Kansas, March 9-14 for a week of intensive training in the AFT organizing model and to help the Kansas Organization of State Employees (KOSE) identify potential activists and recruit new union members. The AFT-Maryland volunteers joined union members from Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, and Kansas in the joint organizing effort, which was launched as a part of the “Reclaiming the Promise of High Quality Public Services for Strong Communities,” an AFT national initiative."

AFT Secretary-Treasurer Lorretta Johnson launched


That’s right. Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has submitted a budget that calls for reducing the state’s contribution to the pension plan by $100 million dollars a year.

That’s not fair! Click here to tell your legislators to vote against cutting the state's contribution to the pension fund.

Two years ago, that state required you to increase your contribution to the employee pension fund. In return, the legislature promised to contribute $300 million per year to that fund. Now, Governor O’Malley is breaking that promise. There are several problems with the governor’s proposal: