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The City Union of Baltimore’s (CUB) August monthly member meeting featured interns from the Occupational Safety and Health Internship Program (OHIP) making a final presentation. The interns, Diana Quintanilla and Audra Lucas, shared with the membership their findings after an eight week program that focused on health and safety of Baltimore city employees in the Department of Public Works (DPW) and Department of Transportation (DOT). They worked under the guidance of President Antoinette Ryan-Johnson and Keith Wrightston, Assistant Director of Health Issues for the AFT.  Read on for photos and MORE
Join Us! Friday, August 19, 2022 at 7:05 p.m. to see the Baltimore Orioles vs. the Boston Red Sox.
Discounted ticket sales for CUB Members!

Attention CUB Members!
City Union of Baltimore will be holding our next meeting on: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held via Zoom, and hybrid for those who are part of the presentations. (President Ryan-Johnson will make arrangements with those individuals.) CLICK TO REGISTER FOR THE MEETING, and for MORE
Unions play an important role in making workplaces better for workers. That work shows up in a myriad of ways. For the City Union of Baltimore, Local 800, one of the ways the union does this is by working to make job sites safer for Baltimore city employees. Following the tragic workplace death of CUB member Trina Cunningham, the union has led the fight in the city for worker safety.  To that end, CUB, in conjunction with AFT-Maryland and the AFT national federation, provided a two-day safety workshop for CUB stewards, health and safety committee members, and staff to learn and share best practices. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)10-hour intensive training sessions examine every aspect of workplace safety. The training, which was led by Keith Wrightson and Amy Baruth from AFT Health Issues, covered ... CLICK TO READ MORE


CONTRACT RATIFIED! Further information will be forthcoming. Contact the CUB office with any questions: (410) 962-1492
There will be a RATIFICATION MEETING for Baltimore City Employees, Thursday, July 7, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Office hours have been extended to accommodate CUB members' work schedules. MORE
Dear CUB Members, I have consistently heard complaints surrounding workplace safety and working conditions, and we have established a CUB Health and Safety Committee to start the process of addressing these complaints. In addition to the committee, CUB is partnering with AFT and AFT-Maryland to conduct a Summer 2022 Occupational Health Intern Program (OHIP). We will have two interns – one from Georgetown University and one from the University of Maryland – working with us this summer. The first step to this work is to conduct a member survey. This is our way of hearing from our members about ... CLICK TO READ MORE