Baltimore, MD- I am deeply saddened by the horrific accident that has severly injured one of our members. No one should risk danger or harm doing their job, particularly not someone whose work is of such vital importance to our city. I, along with the entire City Union of Baltimore am praying for our colleague’s survival and ultimately a safe and healthy recovery.
At the appropriate time, I'll gather with Mayor Scott and the labor commissioner to develop and implement ways that we can ensure the safety of city workers. I understand the morning commute is a hasty one where everyone believes they must be somewhere urgently. That sense of urgency must never give way to recklessness that endangers a fellow human being.
Our union works tirelessly to try to ensure safe and healthy work environments for our members. It leaves me with a feeling of helplessness when someone is injured on the job. All of us- city employees, elected officials, union members, and residents- must become one another’s keeper. Otherwise, in our own selfish pursuits, we'll become numb to harming someone else.
Click here for the press release.