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Working People's Day of Action

Saturday, February 24, 2018, 10:00 A.M.
Freedom Plaza, 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC 20004
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Join the Working People's Day of Action in Washington, DC. Thousands of working people and our allies will be standing up for our freedoms and demanding an end to the system that's rigged against us.

Stand with the Working People's Day of Action

On Saturday, February 24, stand with thousands of working people and our allies as we unite for our freedoms and demand an end to a system and an economy that's rigged against us by the wealthy and powerful.

Because when we join forces and stick together, we are unstoppable.

Fifty years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. joined striking sanitation workers in Memphis as they fought for the freedom to join together in a strong union and achieve dignity and respect at work. Fifty years later, our struggle continues. For far too long, a handful of corporate CEOs, extremists and corrupt politicians have rigged the rules in their favor: making us work harder for less, taking away our health care, stripping away our voting rights, defunding our schools and polluting our air and water. And now the same forces are behind Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 - a case that the Supreme Court will hear in February, which is meant to weaken our power in numbers to speak up for ourselves, our families and our communities.

Enough is enough.

Rise with us as we reclaim our freedom to come together in unions and fight for decent and equitable pay for our work, affordable health care, quality schools, vibrant communities and a secure future for all of us.

For more information about the Working People's Day of Action, visit

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