April 13, 2012
The Honorable Martin O’Malley, Governor
State House, 100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401-1925
Dear Governor O’Malley:
On behalf of the thousands of working women and men across our state who are represented by the American Federation of Teachers – Maryland, I would like to express our deep concern and extreme disappointment with the inability of our political leaders to reach agreement over our state budget.
The prospect of the $500 million in cuts that are scheduled to take effect July 1 will have devastating consequences to our schools, roads, public safety and basic services. The analysis of the state budget estimates that 23 counties and the city of Baltimore will lose over $260 million— with the impact hitting hardest in areas that are most reliant on state revenues and that can least afford the reductions. Everyday people will be affected in every way.
We can and must do better in ensuring continuity in the level and quality of state government services that our citizens rightfully expect and deserve. We can and must do better in ensuring that our providers of these services are able to devote their energy and focus on service delivery rather than on the inability of those who are elected to serve to come together for the good of the people and the state.
We ask that you use the powers of your office to convene all parties and work to resolve this matter. This episode is a blight on the standard of excellence that has come to be associated with good government in Maryland. For those who call Maryland home, we expect that this high standard will be maintained.
Marietta A. English
President, AFT-Maryland