We are in uncharted territory. With an abundance of caution for the welfare of our members, I am maintaining constant communication with the Office of the Labor Commissioner and the Director of Human Resources to obtain swift resolutions to all resource challenges members have while doing their jobs, in this midst of this global pandemic. On a personal note, I want you to know that the work each of you do on a daily basis does not go unnoticed. It is considered and appreciated not only by myself and your union, but also by city leaders and the residents we serve.
We recognize we have members whose work is guided by the city of Baltimore and others whose work is guided by the Baltimore City School System. I have maintained good communication from the school system thus far and as there is new information particular to our members there, we will use all means of communication we have to get new information to you. I ask members to keep in mind that a good deal of the school system guidance has been coming from directives from the state superintendent, Dr. Karen Salmon. Please keep abreast of all news updates from the state that are made public and we will continue with any updates we get for members who will be working despite otherwise previously noted school closures.
Moving forward, I ask that if you have any questions/concerns about your current work conditions, each work area gather the collective information concerning your work and have one person forward that information to your proper Labor Representative via email or voicemail. Each Labor Representative's contact information is listed below and within the attachment. As any updated information becomes available, we will be in contact with the membership via our website and Facebook page.
Yours in Solidarity & Strength,
Antoinette Ryan-Johnson, President
City Union of Baltimore
- Notice RE: Coronavirus 2020-03-18 from City Union of Baltimore
- Baltimore City HR/Occupational Health: COVID-19 FAQ
CONTACT INFORMATION, City Union of Baltimore:
- The phone number for the CUB Office is 410-962-1492.
- Website: cub.md.aft.org
- Facebook: facebook.com/CUB800
- CUB President: cubprezz@cub-aft.org Phone ext. 101
CUB Labor Relations Specialists:
- Maxine Holmes: mholmes@cub-aft.org, Phone ext. 107
- Ruth Pajouhandeh: rpajouhandeh@cub-aft.org, Phone ext. 106
- Jim Anthony: janthony@cub-aft.org, Phone ext. 105
- Duane Verderaime: duane@ocvlaw.com
- Dan O’Connor: doconnor@ocvlaw.com
- Julie Gilles: julie@ocvlaw.com, Phone ext. 108
Sick Bank Info: execvp@cub-aft.org