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AFT-Maryland will interview candidates who want to represent your district in the Baltimore City Council. Members of AFT-Maryland affiliated local unions are invited to attend, to ensure the candidates know our members' priorities.

Help us decide who to support for the AFL-CIO Endorsement.


Districts 2, 3, 12, & 13 (click for flyer)
Thurs., Feb. 4th, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Districts 1, 8, 9, 10, & 11 (click for flyer)
Wed., Feb. 10th, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Districts 4, 5, 6, 7, & 14 (click for flyer)
Tues., Feb. 16th, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
CANCELLED due to weather conditions.

All Forums will be held at the Baltimore


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Last year, Governor Hogan put our members on high alert. He cut funding to Baltimore City Public Schools, demanded cutting each state agency by 2% and attempted to remove collective bargaining rights from teachers and staff at public charters schools.

Because of YOUR efforts in Annapolis last year, we were able to keep the 2% for state and government workers, and protect collective bargaining rights teachers and staff at public charter schools. JOIN US again this year!



The governor's $42 billion Maryland State spending budget has been unveiled, and it includes a step increase for State Employees without the cuts to overtime or sick leave rights that he originally proposed. This is a big win for union members, who have fought hard for this increase.

On the other hand, the governor has proposed eliminating state employee positions to "right-size" many departments. Other positions and services could be privatized, which means lower wages and no union contract.


Join us for Lobby Night in Annapolis this Monday, Jan. 25th. AFT-Maryland


On Tuesday, January 12, 2016, CUB retirees joined a rally sponsored by the Alliance for Retired Americans and the AFL-CIO in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) at the Baltimore World Trade Center.

LaVerne Foster, the CUB Retiree Chapter President, reports that they want to let people know that retirees are FIRED UP about the TPP agreement.

Voting for the TPP would mean fewer jobs and lower wages for American workers. TPP also contains extreme patent protections for name-brand pharmaceuticals that threaten to restrict access to cheaper lifesaving medicines in all TPP countries


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Due to the blizzard and hazardous road conditions, the Lobby Night scheduled for Mon. Jan. 25th has been rescheduled for Mon. Feb. 22nd.
We hope you'll join us then!

Baltimore County 911 call center employees protested a threat of major scheduling changes on Monday night outside county headquarters in Towson. The Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees (Local #4883) organized the rally, and members of other unions attended to show their support, as well, including 911/311 call center employees from Baltimore City, who are members of the City Union of Baltimore (Local #800). 
Union members are protesting a mandatory rotating shift policy. The shift change has already caused dozens of 911 call center employees to leave the department, which is now