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Continuing with AFT efforts to promote democracy and add more voices to the political process locally and nationally, AFT-Maryland Political Coordinator Todd Reynolds led a voter registration drive Sunday August 16th at Macedonia Baptist Church in Baltimore, Md. The drive was but a small example of the "Reclaim Baltimore" initiative introduced at the 2015 AFT-Maryland Convention.

The initiative focused on revitalizing the city in the wake of the unrest after the Freddie Gray death. One aspect was to increase citizen participation in the political process. With a Presidential, Senate, Mayoral &


The City Union of Baltimore invites all CUB members and their families to come out and join us to take a dip in the pool & fun in the sun at our 9th Annual Member Appreciation Picnic! Bring your beach towel, blankets, folding tables, chairs, and games. Pack your favorite picnic snacks! This event promises to be one the whole family will enjoy!

CUB will provide the grill favorites - hot dogs, hamburgers, rolls, condiments, dessert and soft drinks.

WHEN: Saturday, August 8, 2015
TIME: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: Druid Hill Park Pool, 3001 East Drive
DONATION: $7.00 to the Sheila W. Jordan


08/05/2015 COPE & Social Committee Meeting* 5:00 p.m.
08/08/2015 CUB Annual Membership Appreciation Picnic
08/19/2015 Steward Council Meeting* 5:00 p.m.
08/20/2015 AFL-CIO Union Meeting** 7:00 p.m.
08/28/2015 DEADLINE for Sheila W. Jordon Scholarship Applications

* 2117 N. Howard Street
** 2701 W. Patapsco Avenue 21230

Click here for Upcoming Events flyer: June/July/August 2015

Call CUB office for more details: (410) 962-1492 


07/03/2015 Observed for Independence Day (CUB Office, Baltimore City Schools and Offices closed)
07/04/2015 Independence Day
07/06/2015 COPE & Social Committee Meeting* 5:00 p.m.
07/15/2015 Steward Council Meeting* 5:00 p.m.
07/16/2015 AFL-CIO Union Meeting** 7:00 p.m.
07/30/2015 Last day to purchase tickets for Annual Membership Appreciation Picnic (or until all tickets are sold out)

* 2117 N. Howard Street
** 2701 W. Patapsco Avenue 21230

Click here for Upcoming Events flyer: June/July/August 2015

Call CUB office for more details: (410) 962-1492 


City Union of Baltimore President, Yvonne Rice, addressed the CUB membership on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at the annual membership meeting. For photos from the event, visit AFT-Maryland's Facebook page.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, sisters and brothers, I would like to OFFICIALLY welcome you the City Union of Baltimore's annual membership meeting.

I would first like to take a moment to recognize our brothers and sisters that are no longer with us. I ask you to join me for a Moment of Silence for Benjamin Glenn, Sr., husband of our first president, Delegate Cheryl Glenn, who served us from


Court decision threatens America's working families

The leaders of five major unions issued a statement June 30 expressing their disappointment with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to hear a case, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, that challenges fees non-union members pay.

Click here to read more.