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Statement on Gun Violence Against DPW Workers

City Union of Baltimore President Antoinette Ryan-Johnson’s Statement on Gun Violence Against DPW Workers

The tragic violence that visited Department of Public Works employees Friday only underscores the scourge of violence that continues to trouble our city. It hits closer to home for us because the victims are among our labor family. On behalf of everyone at the City Union of Baltimore, I extend my deepest and heartfelt sympathies to the families of the victims of Friday evening’s violence.

Gun violence is a plague that troubles our nation and our city. CUB supports every effective effort to stop gun violence in our city. We know there are countless people on the frontlines doing what they can to interrupt violence and mediate conflicts before they reach a violent outcome. We encourage them and the people of Baltimore not to be discouraged and to continue efforts at gun violence prevention. Each life saved is worth the effort, and each victim of gun violence deserves our effort to stop the killings.

Our labor family is hurting. Public employees enter into a sacred bond with the communities we serve. Our goal is to deliver the best service that will prove to be a common good. In turn, the community should be there to support and protect us. The violence Friday broke that sacred pact, and it is now up to all of us to restore it.

Click here for the press release.

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