Liberal Leave in Effect Today, September 1, 2021, for Non-Essential Employees (click for link to the bulletin)
Today, Wednesday, September 1, 2021, liberal leave is in effect for non-essential employees at 2:00PM. LIBERAL LEAVE IS OPTIONAL FOR EMPLOYEES TO TELEWORK. Employees must get permission from their immediate supervisor or designee prior to using liberal leave today. The normal advanced notice requirement is waived. Non-essential employees will be required to use accumulated vacation, personal leave, or compensatory time, or authorized leave without pay.
Non-essential employees, who work the afternoon and evening shift(s) must contact their immediate supervisor/manager for guidance. Employees must follow departmental call-in procedures.
Essential employees and employees designated as emergency essential for the current event must remain at work as scheduled unless informed otherwise by their agency head, designee or immediate supervisors.
Essential employees who work the afternoon and evening shift(s) must report to work and remain at work as scheduled. If permission is granted prior to their shift by the department/agency head, supervisor or designee, provided their services are not required during this event, essential employees may use liberal leave.
As a reminder, you can receive updated information via our Facebook page @Baltimore City Office of the Labor Commissioner, Instagram@olcbaltcity, Twitter@olcbaltcity, or call the City of Baltimore's dedicated hotline for employees (410) 361-9200.
Please refer to Administrative Manual Policy AM 204-22 Inclement Weather Conditions and City Emergencies Policy for details.