When I initially sat to write this message to members, it was with an excitement fueled by the onset of spring. Sadly however, that excitement was quickly tempered by the tragic incident of Tuesday morning when a cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key bridge causing the bridge to collapse, and forever changing the lives of six laborers working on the bridge and their families. In addition to the lives believed to be lost, thousands of workers who rely on the bridge to get them to and from work, as well as thousands more who rely on the Port of Baltimore for work are left in a difficult position finding a way to make ends meet, all while mourning for our fellow Baltimoreans who are believed to have perished.
So rather than with the joy and jubilation this time of year can bring, those who celebrate the Easter holiday gather with family and friends with heavy hearts. I encourage us to think of those who are not fortunate enough to be with their families during this difficult time. I hope that we use this dark moment to take solace in knowing tomorrow brings a brighter day. As heartbreaking as this moment is, I remind us all to remember the words of Governor Wes Moore when he said “we are Maryland tough, and we are Baltimore strong.”
With spring arriving, we look forward to the rising temperatures, longer days, and chances to spend more time outside with family and friends. For our members in Baltimore city schools, we look forward to returning from spring break refreshed and ready to end the school year on a strong note. The City Union of Baltimore continues to work for you, the members. If anyone has any issues or concerns at work, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us so we can help and support. Even though we head into spring with a heavy heart, remember we are Baltimore strong, and CUB members are the workers who make Baltimore work.
Antoinette Ryan-Johnson, President
City Union of Baltimore
Local 800, AFT, AFL-CIO