Looking to improve the New Year? Come and join Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young to launch the 20/20 Inaugural Initiative. With Support from the Department of Human Resources Wellness Program and the Office of the Labor Commissioner, monthly activities are planned to help employees with personal and professional goals. Jump Start January Better Health Symposium will kick-off the monthly series presented by Mayor Young and also featuring guest speaker and fitness expert, Laurent Amzallag. There will be vendors on site from various healthcare companies and wellness programs too.
Registration is required. You must RSVP to reserve your seat and receive a free healthy lunch! Please register online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/janjumpstart (Lunch is limited to the first 300 attendees).
Permission leave will be granted for non-essential employees for 2 hours (120 minutes) to attend the event. Provided that City operations are not adversely impacted, supervisors may also grant essential employees permission leave to attend this event. Supervisors should coordinate schedules to provide adequate coverage and avoid disruption to City Services.
War Memorial Plaza
101 N. Gay Street, Baltimore, 21202
Monday, January 13, 2020
11:30AM – 1:00PM
From City of Baltimore Informational Bulletin
Bulletin Number: 20-03
January 9, 2020