CUB Town Hall about issues with the Workday Implementation
Monday, March 22, 2021, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Join other CUB members as we discuss payroll issues around the recent implementation of the Workday system. We'll be hearing from CUB retiree Pam Shaw. Pam is a retiree of the Baltimore Police Department and was in MAPS. She was a CUB member for many years, since it was founded. She is a part of our HIC committee and is well versed in city government operations and health insurance issues.
Also on the call will be our labor attorney, Dan O'Connor.
This event is for CUB MEMBERS ONLY. Registrations will be validated before being approved.
Please register using a NON-WORK email address (not a address).
Pamela K. Shaw: