The City Union of Baltimore Local 800 (CUB), opened its doors Friday April 5, 2024 to members, retirees, and guests. The meet and greet hosted by the union gave members an opportunity to socialize with one another and meet leadership of the union, the state federation, and the Metro Baltimore AFL-CIO. All told, more than two dozen people attended and light refreshments were served.

CUB was pleased to welcome the guest turned members, just as we were eager to welcome other guests such as Metro Baltimore AFL-CIO President Courtney Jenkins. AFT Maryland President Kenya Campbell was also on hand and she commented on the occasion. “President Ryan-Johnson opening the doors of the union hall and welcoming members is what unionism is about. We fight hard for our members, but there’s also a camaraderie present in the union movement that makes the work we do for members sacred,” said Campbell.

CUB President Antoinette Ryan-Johnson appreciated the scope of the union visible at the meet and greet. “The diversity of our union is one of the things that makes us strong. I want all our members to know that we are fighting for them, and they are always welcomed at the CUB union hall.”
In addition to serving as a meet and greet, the event was also an occasion for recruiting new members. Following the event, two city employees signed cards joining the union. Ryan-Johnson believes that is what events like the meet and greet are for. “With the retirees in attendance, the current executive board, and now new members, this event really shows off the past, present, and future of CUB and our future looks really bright,” Ryan-Johnson said.

article by AFT Maryland staff