October is National Retirement Security Month! Stay financially healthy with your retirement check-up! Baltimore City Employees' Retirement Systems is offering four sessions between Oct. 10 and Nov. 1, 2024 for city employees. [CLICK FOR MORE INFO.]
Join the City of Baltimore’s Retirement Savings Plan for National Retirement Security Month and learn how to plan for your financial future. All sessions begin at 9 AM at War Memorial. Sessions will be led by retirement specialists and staff from Nationwide, the Retirement Savings Plan and the Employees’ Retirement System.
Retirement staff and specialists will be available after each seminar for questions.
NOTE: The Office of the Labor Commission will grant Baltimore City employees three (3) hours of permission leave to attend one (1) seminar. Supervisors should coordinate schedules to provide adequate coverage and avoid disruption to City Services.
More Info at: https://www.bcers.org/about-bcers/nrsm/