CUB’s first office space was 101 East 25th Street. Then CUB moved to 2527 St. Paul Street. In 1995, CUB relocated to 22 East 25th Street. In January 2000, under the leadership of Sheila W. Jordan, CUB purchased the property at 2117 North Howard Street. Renovations for the building began in June 2001 and on November 27, 2001, Howard Street became the headquarters for the City Union of Baltimore.
Cheryl Glenn, now Delegate Glenn, was the first president of the City Union of Baltimore. President Glenn served two terms. President Glenn was preceded by the election of Chester Wilton, who also served two terms. In 1996, Sheila W. Jordan was elected president. Ms. Jordan was elected to her second term as president in September 2001. After Ms. Jordan’s death, Mr. James A. Carroll, executive vice president, filled the position as president. Brenda J. Clayburn was elected president in September, 2004 and re-elected October, 2007 and 2010. Brenda was also the first executive vice president of CUB. While serving her third term as president, Ms. Clayburn’s vision was to continue the implementation of the strategic action plan that continues to ensure open communication, membership involvement, building coalitions, provide immediate action on legal issues and better contract negotiation results. President Clayburn passed in January, 2013. Yvonne Rice, executive vice president filled the vacancy and was elected president in October, 2013.
The City Union of Baltimore’s goals and objectives for our membership in Baltimore City and the Baltimore City Public School System are:
- Promote the careers and quality of work-life for classified employees through the collective bargaining process;
- Improve the efficiency of work and to enhance the public image of employees;
- Improve standards for employees by advocating better preparation, encouraging relevant in-service training, establishing objective procedures for evaluation and classification, and securing working conditions essential to the best performance of municipal and school system service;
- Advance the economic interests of employees;
- Create and maintain a just and democratic union open to the free expression of its members and responsive to their needs;
- Defend the rights, benefits, and employment status from administrative abuse, negligence, and/or mismanagement;
- Make employees aware of their political rights and responsibilities as citizens and to encourage their participation in the political process;
- Cooperate and participate to the fullest extent with labor/management and awaken in all workers a labor consciousness and sense of solidarity with labor; and
- Eliminate discrimination by race, creed, sex, age, political belief or activities, sexual orientation and disability both within the workplace and general society.
The City Union of Baltimore has formed committees to maintain these objectives. These committees are:
- COPE – Committee on Political Education
- Retirement Committee
- Membership Committee
- Sheila W. Jordan Scholarship
- Health & Safety Committee
- Personnel Committee
- Constitution and By-Laws Committee
The City Union of Baltimore is made up of employees from agencies to include:
- Baltimore City Public School System
- Department of Public Works – Director’s Office, General Services
- Department of Transportation – Transportation – Crossing Guards
- Department of Public Works – Water & WasteWater (Patapsco, Back River, Ashburton Water Filtration Plants
- Department of Public Works – Solid Waste
- Baltimore City Police Department – Civilian Personnel
- Baltimore City Fire Department – Civilian Personnel
- Baltimore City Health Department
- Department of Recreation & Parks
- Housing & Community Development
- Human Rights
- Environmental Services
- Department of Finance – Purchasing, Treasury Management, Accounting Operations
- Real Estate, Post Office, Retirement, Legislative Research, Community Relations, Zoning, Telephone Exchange
- Planning Audits, Minimum Wage Commission.
CUB represents employees with more than 500 different job titles located in more than 800 locations in Baltimore City and the surrounding counties.
It is the overall objective to make the lives of the employees more fulfilling and provide a better quality of life for the citizens we serve.
Revised 4-2011; 10/2013