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Resources on COVID-19 for CUB Members

As the nation works to limit the spread and impact of the potentially fatal 2019 novel coronavirus, COVID-19, CUB members have resources they can use as an AFT affiliate to be more informed on personal safety and workplace protocol. Click here to visit for a number of tools provided by AFT that will be helpful for school staff and local public employees.

COVID-19 causes fever and lower respiratory illness such as cough and difficulty breathing, resulting in pneumonia. Preliminary information indicates that persons older than 60 and those with underlying illness are at higher risk of severe disease and death, but information is still lacking on the scope of the illness. While the disease appears to be very infectious, it does not appear to be as deadly as SARS and MERS, earlier corona-type viruses. The CDC has developed a diagnostic test that it will share with domestic and international partners. No vaccine or specific treatment is yet available; care is supportive.

Union leaders should make information requests on the employers’ infection control plan and occupational health preparedness plan. See AFT's guidance documents at (blue box on the right).

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